Jumat, 31 Mei 2019

How To Get Pregnant During Periods

Getting pregnant during your period most women have normal 28- to 32-day cycles, and if someone with this cycle has an average two- to eight-day period, she will not get pregnant during her period.. This increases the chance of getting pregnant during your period. long menstrual cycles prevent pregnancy during periods for a woman with a longer menstrual cycle of say 28 days, chances of conceiving are less .. Read more to learn about the risks of pregnancy when you have sex during your period and what you need to know about the common myth. the odds of a woman getting pregnant by having sex while on.

How to stop your period - The New York Times

How to stop your period - the new york times

Health Problems that Your Period Indicates | Top 10 Home ...

Health problems that your period indicates | top 10 home

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Important period problems women should not ignore | top 10

Since sperm can hang out in your body for up to 3 days, having sex during your period could lead to conception. use a condom or other form of birth control to prevent an unplanned pregnancy, no. We are talking about the much debated question – can you or can you not get pregnant during your periods! with a lot of women trying to get pregnant and a lot of them trying to avoid getting pregnant; this perennial question has always taken the top place.. Increasing the chances of getting pregnant, you must calculate your ovulation day, i accurately discern my ovulation time. and to do that, you need to know exactly your cycle..


10 Tips To Get Pregnant Quickly

Top 10 tips to get pregnant fast disclaimer the information displayed on this webpage covers general information on several medical conditions, fertility treatments, ivf icsi, surrogacy procedure, home remedies, and their respective treatments.. Maybe you're really eager to get pregnant, or maybe you're hoping to have a baby at a certain time of year. here are five ways to boost your chances of conceiving quickly as well as some guidelines on when to be concerned about a possible fertility problem.. Top 10 tips to get pregnant. you may be searching all over for the best tips to get pregnant.you and your partner have been together for the past years and you want to bear the fruit of your love..

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These tips will increase your chances of getting pregnant. follow these tips to get pregnant fast. if you want to enter the delightful phase of parenthood and want to conceive quickly then try these simple tips to conceive fast and easily.. Getting pregnant quickly is not easy for some couples. because age, nutrition, weight, genetics, hormones, sperm quality, lifestyle, etc. determine your ability to conceive, you may need to check with your doctor or your fertility specialist to pinpoint what is affecting your ability to get pregnant.. You are ready to get pregnant. now.once you are ready to start a family, waiting is the last thing you want to do. although mother nature has a hand in the timing, there are s ome things you can.


How To Get Pregnant On Irregular Periods

Irregular or abnormal ovulation accounts for 30% to 40% of all cases of infertility.having irregular periods, no periods, or abnormal bleeding often indicates that you aren't ovulating, a. Ask the expert with dr. don aptekar. timing is everything when it comes to getting pregnant. timing your fertile window and getting pregnant, however, can be challenging if you have irregular periods.. You can track ovulation with irregular periods using a number of tools. if you are trying to get pregnant, the president of the american pregnancy association wrote the book, the essential guide to getting pregnant, specifically to help those who were trying to get pregnant. the book shares what each couple needs to know to maximize their.

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Birth control: pros and cons of different contraception

How To Get Pregnant Fast After Periods In Urdu | Howsto.Co

How to get pregnant fast after periods in urdu | howsto.co

Signs Your Pregnant Before Your Missed Period - Nudist ...

Signs your pregnant before your missed period - nudist

Many women deal with this issue, and for those trying to get pregnant, it can be quite frustrating. if you want to know how to get pregnant quickly with irregular periods, follow this guide to. Getting pregnant is related to ovulation — the time that a girl is most fertile and has the highest chance of getting pregnant. a girl with irregular periods still ovulates, just not on a regular, predictable schedule.. Learn what an irregular period is and how it can affect your chances of getting pregnant. some women can rattle off exactly which week of the month (first, second, third or fourth) they usually get their period..


Kamis, 30 Mei 2019

How To Get Pregnant With Healthy Twins

How to get pregnant with twins? hey women readers have you ever gave a thought to get pregnant with twins? many couples desire to have twins. there are various reasons behind the thought of having twins, having a large family or just want to have a close siblings.. The miracle of pregnancy times two! from finding out you're having twins to other common questions about being pregnant with one or more babies. the miracle of pregnancy times two! how you get pregnant with twins or multiples by robin elise weiss, phd | reviewed by anita sadaty, md. updated june 15, 2018 healthy, normal-weight mothers. Many people wonder what it takes to have twins, triplets or more. while having multiples is sometimes an act of fate, parents of multiples say some common factors increased their chances of conceiving them..

When Can You See a Baby on Ultrasound? - New Kids Center

When can you see a baby on ultrasound? - new kids center

3 Weeks Pregnant - Pregnancy Week-by-Week

3 weeks pregnant - pregnancy week-by-week

Ultrasound 7 Weeks - YouTube

Ultrasound 7 weeks - youtube

Many couples want to get pregnant with twins. having two children who grow up side by side to experience the milestones of life at the same age may seem perfect. you'll get through the diaper period all at one, and the idea may seem ideal if you only want two children. if you are interested in. How to have twins. how to have twins. the idea of having twins tends to polarise people. get pregnant while you are on the pill. difficult as this can be overall, there is a higher incidence of women conceiving with twins when they are on oral contraceptives. the more healthy and mobile his sperm are, the greater the likelihood of being. I never wanted twins, but did want to try for a girl for our second pregnancy. i took cranberry pills to help with the acidity, which i read can help you get a girl. got pregnant and found at first ultrasound i was pregnant with triplets!!!.


How To Get Pregnant Easily With A Boy

How to get pregnant easily with a boy pregnancy signs boy or girl trying to get pregnant after mirena removal how to get pregnant easily with a boy prayer for a healthy pregnancy and baby 5 tips for getting pregnant however, do not worry if signs don't come up for several weeks, or at all--you should merely concerned in case the pregnancy. How to get pregnant easily with a boy how to get pregnant after 35 ★ how to get pregnant easily with a boy ★ probability of getting pregnant calculator getting pregnant after vitex how to get pregnant easily with a boy mucinex fast max and pregnancy chances of pregnancy at 47 naturally unexplainable nausea and or vomiting - although mtss is a well-known indication of early pregnancy, some. To make the male chromosome last longer and get a higher chance to get pregnant with a baby boy, you need to condition your body into having a low ph environment for your male chromosomes because they easily die in a high ph level body..

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Getting pregnant with a boy easily. nov 3, 2014 admin conceiving tips no comments. to conceive a boy, you don’t need higher education or a lot of science. as long as you know some basic principles and you apply them, it can happen easily.. How to get pregnant fast and easy with a boy - getting pregnant might be an easy task for some, still hard for others. it is all virtually a concern of unintentional once all the sequences needed to make you pregnant, goes just right.. The first thing to do before you even think of diving into the thick of things, you must see your doctor to make sure that you can get a clean bill of health so you can go ahead and make your dreams of conceiving that little boy come true..


How Long Should I Take Clomid To Get Pregnant With Twins

I eventually fell pregnant using up the last of my current clomid in november 2012 just before a holiday we were taking before starting ivf. i now have an 18 month old and a 5 month old. i found out i was pregnant 2 weeks before starting ivf and then fell first month we tried for second bub.. Clomiphene citrate, also known by its brand names clomid and serophene, is a common drug and one you have probably heard about. a fertility drug used to induce ovulation, clomid is the most commonly prescribed fertility drug.if you are having problems trying to get pregnant, you may be thinking about talking to your doctor about prescribing clomid.. Fertility treatment may increase your chance of having multiple births (twins, triplets). these are high-risk pregnancies both for the mother and the babies. how should i take clomid? use clomid exactly as directed by your doctor. follow all directions on your prescription label. if ovulation occurs but you do not get pregnant after 3.

How long should it take to get pregnant

How long should it take to get pregnant

Women under 35 with pcos should have about a 15% chance for pregnancy per month with clomid treatment (for about 3-4 months) if they ovulate with clomid (assuming the sperm and fallopian tubes are normal).. While it's more challenging to conceive when you get to an older age, women who get pregnant later in life are much more likely to bear twins. if you are around 40, your chances are over double the average, and if you are able to get pregnant around 45, your chance of having twins goes up to 17%.. If you would like to increase your chances of conceiving twins, take a daily 400mg to 1000mg supplement and consume vitamin b9-rich foods. i tested negative on pregnancy tests. so i got 50mg of clomid that i took for one course on cd3-7 and i immediately became pregnant with twins! my insurance didn't cover clomid. how long should take.


Rabu, 29 Mei 2019

Natural Way To Get Pregnant After Tubal Ligation

Ways to get pregnant after a tubal ligation the technique of tubal ligation. whether or not the procedure can be reversed depends a lot on the way the procedure was carried out.. The only way i knew about the cervical pregnancy were my pregnancy symptoms( no pain at all) and my hcg that showed positive at the obgyn so anyone who has had a tubal ligation and suspects you may be pregnant make sure you go for a hcg test at your doctors office just incase it is a etopic.. Non surgical way of getting pregnant after tubal ligation is only ivf. even if the tubal canalisation is done in a surgical way the chances of conceiving is very less..

Tuboplasty | Tubal Reversal | Restoring Fertility | Dr. Hazan

Tuboplasty | tubal reversal | restoring fertility | dr. hazan

How to Get Pregnant After Tubal Ligation - ConceiveEasy ...

How to get pregnant after tubal ligation - conceiveeasy

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Queertips — apparently using contraception for long

How to get pregnant naturally. 29th february 2012. how to conceive: the do’s and don’ts of having a baby best way to get pregnant after tubal ligation women who want to get pregnant after tubal ligation have a high rate of success at conceiving, around 70 percent, after undergoing a reversal procedure.. The final piece of the puzzle for getting pregnant after tubal ligation removal is to get healthy. increasing your activity level and improving preconception nutrition to include more protein, whole grains, and dark, leafy greens is a great way to get off to a good start before your baby is conceived.. Getting pregnant after the tubal ligation removal procedure is directly connected with the restoration of a woman’s fertility which, in the long run, can be immune to any other methods of becoming pregnant, such as a single in-vitro fertilization that may or may not prove to be successful..


How To Get Yourself Pregnant Fast

3 ways to get pregnant fast—backed by real, hard data. aug 2, 2017 . at a glance . . . there are 6 fertile days per month; you are most fertile during the 1-2 days before ovulation; going off contraception early can give you some time to reacquaint yourself with your cycle and learn how to track it. there’s a bit of a learning curve. How to get yourself pregnant how fast does a woman get pregnant odds of getting pregnant at 49 how to get yourself pregnant how to get donated fertility drugs how to get your mom pregnant take a superb look at the habits along with the way you are care of yourself. amount of this should go without saying, but now's the time to stop drinking. We get that it can be incredibly frustrating to get your period while you’re trying to get pregnant, knowing that yet another month has gone by without a pregnancy. but, rest assured that the vast majority of couples (about 85 to 90 percent) do conceive on their own within a year..

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Be a loving parent to yourself! planning to conceive? start right! when planning to get pregnant your diet, your ovulation cycle, your life style are all very important. your ability to get pregnant can be affected by many factors. if you want to know more about how to get pregnant fast & naturally, i recommend reading this ebook. this. You are ready to get pregnant. now.once you are ready to start a family, waiting is the last thing you want to do. although mother nature has a hand in the timing, there are s ome things you can. Didn't get pregnant this month? don't get upset. most couples don't succeed the first time out of the gate (more than half get pregnant by 6 months, about 85 percent by one year)..


Selasa, 28 Mei 2019

How To Get Pregnant Clomid

Clomid is the most well-known fertility drug in the usa today. it is also the most successful fertility drug on the market today. if your doctor has prescribed clomid for you, you might be asking yourself what the best way is to get pregnant while on clomid.. Clomid is a known cause of vaginal dryness, and when trying to get pregnant that can cause discomfort and actually reduces your chances. conceive plus fertility friendly lubricant is formulated with calcium and magnesium ions to support sperm viability and help increase the chances of getting pregnant, naturally!. If three to six cycles of clomid don’t lead to pregnancy, new treatment options may be considered. six cycles of clomid is considered to be the top limit, though some doctors suggest moving on if pregnancy doesn’t occur by the third treatment cycle..

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Infertility meme | hope is something you pee on

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Why am i not getting pregnant?

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic ovary syndrome (pcos)

Clomid - it's a common name brand drug that some women consider when getting pregnant turns out to not be as easy as they thought it would. while no woman expects to have trouble conceiving, it happens to more women than you would think.. If clomid doesn't help you get pregnant after six months, your doctor should suggest you try something else. there are a few reasons for this. one, if clomid hasn’t helped you conceive after six months, the odds of it working on month seven or eight are very low.. Clomid is a brand associated with attaining pregnancy. originally clomiphene citrate, which is prescription medication administered to women who have difficulty in becoming pregnant due to problems with ovulation , clomid is known to be highly effective in setting right ovulation issues in women and helping them conceive..


How To Be Pregnant Faster

How to get pregnant fast when you know you’re ready for a baby, you probably want to know how to get pregnant fast. you might expect that getting pregnant will happen without your even trying.. Getting fit is a great way to boost your fertility. if you're not used to exercising, start by building more movement into your day. for example, you could try getting off the bus a stop earlier, or taking the stairs instead of the lift.. You are ready to get pregnant. now. once you are ready to start a family, waiting is the last thing you want to do. "do this the cycle before you start trying," says paula hillard, md, a professor.

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How to get pregnant with husband fast https://youtu.be/favqusxawqy is a video about practical tips to get pregnant easily and fast. getting pregnant means about to. Getting pregnant as soon as after your period is possible when you know which time is best to have intercourse. this is a short explanation of your period cycle and which day you should do the. How to get pregnant faster. here are some tips that may help you get pregnant fast. keep in mind that most couples get pregnant within a year of trying. if you have not gotten pregnant within a year, consult your doctor for advice. make sure you are in good health..


Senin, 27 Mei 2019

How To Conceive A Baby Boy By Ivf

How to conceive a boy #4: female orgasm and conceiving a boy there’s also a popular argument that the female orgasm plays an important role in the conception of a boy. some believe that during a female orgasm, an alkaline secretion is released into the vagina, which gives boy sperm an increased chance of survival.. How to raise the chances of having a boy. in this article: using at home methods trying a sperm separating procedure undergoing ivf using unproven methods community q&a many people look for ways to raise the odds of having a boy. there's no guarantee that you can choose the gender of your baby, but there are lots of options to give you the best shot.. The persons who want to conceive baby boy must know that the biggest downside of the artificial methods of sex selection derives from the fact that they use art (assisted reproductive technology) – either iui (intra-uterine insemination) or ivf (in vitro fertilization) – to artificially inseminate the woman (i.e. to implant in her uterus.



The Whats, Whys, and Wherefores of Artificial Insemination

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Why i cant get pregnant

Ivf gender selection allows couples to choose or pick the gender of their baby before conception. gender selection is an added step to the ivf process. ivf gender selection – the beginner’s guide. try the natural gender selection method to conceive a boy or to conceive a girl. ivf gender selection pros and cons. How to conceive a boy on the lunar calendar to determine the conception of a boy can be at the annual lunar calendar. in other words, to plan the gender of the baby, it is very important to know the sign, at the moment of conception, which is the moon.. Anyone trying to conceive baby boy is generally finely tuned into their cycle. but when you’re hoping for a boy, it is even more important. the key to conceiving a boy is to do the deed close to your ovulation..


Minggu, 26 Mei 2019

How To Get Pregnant With Twins In Vitro

How to conceive twins with in vitro fertilization (ivf) in vitro fertilization (ivf) is one type of assisted reproductive technology (art). it involves using medical intervention in order to conceive.. I am a nervous "mama wanna be" hoping to get twins out of my ivf cycle later this month. is anyone on here having twins via their first ivf cycle? if so, i would love to hear your story. i too, got pregnant with twins on my first ivf cycle. they retrieved 17 eggs, 9 of which were good enough to fertilize. they transferred 2 on day 5.. The majority of twins conceived are fraternal, that is the result of two separate eggs being ovulated and released at the same time.the conception of identical twins is very rare, but it happens when one egg splits. that usually happens early on in pregnancies, and either set of twins makes the new parents undeniably happy..

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Roger Federer’s twin shock! | BabyCentre Blog

Roger federer’s twin shock! | babycentre blog

2.know that older-women are less likely to get pregnant, but if they do, they are more likely to have twins. the older you are, the more likely you are to have twins. if you are around 40, your. Get pregnant while you are on the pill. difficult as this can be overall, there is a higher incidence of women conceiving with twins when they are on oral contraceptives. try to conceive straight after you have stopped taking the pill.. Nevertheless, not all women need an ivf cycle to get pregnant and here is what you can do if you have fertility problems but do not want to revert to this medical intervention. here are 8 easy steps of how to get pregnant without ivf..


Sabtu, 25 Mei 2019

How To Get Pregnant When Your Period Is Irregular

How to get pregnant with an irregular period posted on by women with regular periods will have between 11 and 13 menstrual periods in one calendar year, which means that they will have up to 13 chances to conceive each year.. If your period is irregular can you still get pregnant? this is a common question among women who suffer from irregular menstrual cycle.. what is irregular period? a normal menstrual cycle usually last for 28 days.. Women experiencing irregular menstrual periods have less probability of getting pregnant as compare to those having regular periods. however, getting pregnant with irregular periods is not impossible, though the journey to parenthood can take longer and be potentially stressful..

Menstrual Calendar - Women Health Info Blog

Menstrual calendar - women health info blog

Health Problems that Your Period Indicates | Top 10 Home ...

Health problems that your period indicates | top 10 home


Majorly observed early pregnancy symptoms before missed period

Timing your fertile window and getting pregnant, however, can be challenging if you have irregular periods. priya met with seasoned expert in fertility, dr. don aptekar, to answer commonly asked questions about trying to conceive with irregular cycles.. Learn what an irregular period is and how it can affect your chances of getting pregnant. some women can rattle off exactly which week of the month (first, second, third or fourth) they usually get their period.. Your period is considered irregular if the time between your bleeding isn't the same. many women and girls bleed for five days every 28 days, some always get their period in the morning or in the afternoon. if you want to see if you're pregnant you'll have to wait until you miss your period, then take a pregnancy test. it takes a while for.


Jumat, 24 Mei 2019

How To Get A Sim Pregnant In Sims Freeplay

Summary: ea/firemonkeys the sims freeplay has a pregnancy update releasing june 19. here is my overview of the pregnancy event and some tips for that and a bumpy ride quest that leads up to it.. The mobile version of the sims, the sims freeplay, will now allow your sims to get pregnant, so they can introduce bundles of joy into the world. as a result, if your sim is pregnant, they. Woohoo is used on the sims freeplay you can't receive angstrom sim if you need to have a baby you should bargain a cradle how can i get my sim pregnant on sims freeplay from the fund and if the couple is married you take up your sim a shower and it leave show..

Pregnancy in Video Games | Kotaku Australia

Pregnancy in video games | kotaku australia

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Sims freeplay teens update- teenage relationships - youtube

Sims 4 Barbie (Prt 6) Pregnant with Twins! Belly ...

Sims 4 barbie (prt 6) pregnant with twins! belly

Best answer: wait intil the goal asked you to marry two sims. only married sims can have kids. only married sims can have kids. then you buy a crib (when the goal-thing says too) and somehow you get a baby.. A – some actions are missing for the pregnant sim as there are a lot of animations in the sims freeplay. we need to tailor each animation for every new type of sim, and we couldn’t do them all! q – why should i complete all my daily goals / support tasks?. The sims freeplay guide assassin's creed odyssey walkthrough a.. happy glass cheats, tips, strategy murder in the alps cheats, tips, strat.. hello cats cheats, tips, strategy pokemon ultra sun walkthrough tips and...


Kamis, 23 Mei 2019

How Long To Get Pregnant After Periods

The length of your period helps determine how soon after your period you can get pregnant. if you have a regular 28-day cycle and seven-day periods, you can get pregnant five or six days after your period ends.. It is possible to get pregnant soon after your period ends depending on how long your bleeding lasts, and when in your menstrual cycle you ovulate. if your periods are long, by the time it ends you may have few or no days left before your fertile days begin if you ovulate during the average days 12 to 14 of your cycle.. In the average (typical) period of 28 +/- 2 days and using lmp as 1 day, the best time is 14 days +/- 2 days. but if you are trying to get pregnant and you are not aware of any problems may i suggest a k.i.s.s. (keep it simple solution)..

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How do i know if it’s implantation bleeding or period

Yes, you can get pregnant right after your period. you are actually starting to move into your fertility window. on a typical cycle that occurs every 28 to 30 days, the fertility window is usually between day 11 and day 21. as noted above sperm can live 2, 3 and up to 5 days.. Get the facts on your first period after pregnancy. learn how your menstrual cycle will be different postpartum, when it might return, how it might be… read more read more. Getting pregnant as soon as after your period is possible when you know which time is best to have intercourse. this is a short explanation of your period cycle and which day you should do the.


How To Get Pregnant With Baby Girl

To get pregnant with a girl, the book suggests having sex two to four days before ovulation. the girl-producing sperm live longer than boy sperm, so they will be ready and waiting when you ovulate . if you do have sex closer to ovulation, use a condom.. Chicken, turkey, rice, raspberries, blueberries, green beans, cherries, cheese, corn and eggs are all good choices for mommies looking for baby girls. you can also take calcium and magnesium supplements .. Home baby planning how to get pregnant with a girl naturally march 31, 2016 marta baby planning 0 there are many reasons for would-be parents to deliberately choose the gender of their yet-to-be-conceived child..

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Khloe kardashian finally shows off baby bump

While no method is 100% accurate, if you are determined to have a boy or a girl, there are a few things that can be done to significantly increase your chances of conceiving the gender of your choice.. In this article i will talk briefly about a dietary method of getting pregnant with a baby girl. more precisely, this post will show you what acidic foods you should eat in order to drastically increase your chances of having a baby girl (if you want to read more about this, click here for a complete guide on how to conceive a girl naturally, including diet advice, natural selection methods. Best way to have a girl baby: avoid mint tea. a more convenient solution refers to avoiding mint tea, as even if this plant is known to provide very large amounts of vitamin c, a and b12, as well as folic acid, all of them excellent stress-relievers and fertility boosters, regular intake of mint tea is linked with higher chances of conceiving baby boys..


Rabu, 22 Mei 2019

How To Get Pregnant With Twins If You Have Pcos

Pcos is the condition that many women have that usually unables them to bare children. but although that is what most say, i am here to disagree. do not let you pcos stop you from being the mother. How to get pregnant with pcos? getting pregnant with polycystic ovarian syndrome (pcos) involves a dietary and lifestyle makeover. pcos is a metabolic condition affecting the menstrual cycle, female fertility, hormonal levels, insulin production and the circulatory system.. To get pregnant with polycystic ovary syndrome, chart your period and use an over-the-counter ovulation test to determine when you're the most fertile. then, try to time intercourse to occur on those days..

17 Best ideas about Getting Pregnant on Pinterest ...

17 best ideas about getting pregnant on pinterest

Can You Get Pregnant During A Miscarriage - Gay And Sex

Can you get pregnant during a miscarriage - gay and sex

How to Get Pregnant Fast: 9 Dos and Don'ts - ConceiveEasy

How to get pregnant fast: 9 dos and don'ts - conceiveeasy

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (pcos) is the most common hormone disorder among women of reproductive age. while it can make conception more difficult, there’s almost always a way to treat a woman with pcos so she can ovulate normally, conceive, and have a healthy pregnancy.. Getting pregnant if you have polycystic ovary syndrome -- commonly known as pcos -- can present a challenge. pcos occurs in as many as 5 to 10 percent of women of childbearing age, according to a march 2008 "fertility and sterility" article 03661-8/pdf).. So getting pregnant with pcos naturally is definitely possible! so it’s not a foregone conclusion that because you have pcos, you can’t get pregnant, you’re going to have the world’s worst time getting pregnant, or you’re going to have a horrible pregnancy..